Essential oils (EO) have been around for hundreds of years. They were at one time the go to for health maladies. Since the advent of Western medicine their usage has been put on the wayside. Until recently thatis when people began to realize how useful they can be around the home. Not just in the sense of our health, but as replacements for cleaning products, skin care, and recipe ingredients. Don’t have a lime for your guacamole? Just add a few drops of lime oil and voilà! Delicious guacamole. In this article, I will talk about how I came to use essential oils, what to look for when choosing a brand, and tips on how to use them.
I started using EOs a few years ago as a replacement for candles after reading about the toxic ingredients in them. I wanted to find a more natural alternative to making my house smell “yummy.” Enter essential oils. At first, I purchased a diffuser and some oils from my local grocery store. When I began reading more about how beneficial oils are and how they can be used for basically everything, I began searching for better some that were more pure and while there are many brands out there, I decided upon DōTerra. Their oils are organic, sustainably farmed, and rigorously checked for quality. This was important to me as I wanted to put them on my skin and in my food.
To select the best EOs, look for ones that are pure therapeutic grade. These oils have been tested and found not to have any additives. If you want to go a step further, look for the organic pure therapeutic grade. In my research, I found that Eden’s Garden, DōTerra, and Young Living were the best in quality and practice. I encourage you to do your own research and decide what is the best brand for you.

Oils for Cleaning
If you’re looking to save money and eliminate toxins from your home in the process, you can start by making your own cleaning supplies. This is much easier than it sounds. All you need to clean your entire house is white vinegar, baking soda, dish soap, rubbing alcohol, and EOs. I will be making a future post on the cleaning products I use, but in the meantime, if you have questions about this, feel free to ask.
There are many oils that are good for cleaning. The best ones to use have a combination of antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, and antiviral traits. There are many to choose from, but here are a few of my favorites: bergamot, lavender, lemon, peppermint, tea tree (malecula), thyme, and rosemary. I may choose one or two to put in a cleaning product, but I try to keep it pretty simple. You only need a few drops, depending on the quality of your oils. With DōTerra, I use about 10 drops per 32 oz. spray bottle. You can use less, but I like a stronger smelling product.

Skin Care
EOs are great to include in your skin care regime. They can be used to clean and tone skin, fight against aging, and help with reducing acne. You can use them either as a replacement of or in addition to your current products. Some ofmy preferred skin care oils are: frankincense, geranium, lavender, patchouli, rose, and tea tree.
If you have sensitive skin, read the carrier oil section below to learn how to decrease the intensity of the pure oils. Also, be careful using certain oils like lemon oil on your skin as it can make you burn easier in the sun. If you do incorporate it into your skin care regime, I’d suggest using it at night so you can get the benefits without the sunburn.

Carrier Oils
Carrier oils are used to dilute EOs and make them less intense on your skin. If you have sensitive skin or want to create some oil blends for yourself, carrier oils are a great way to get the benefits while making your oils last longer. Some of the most common carrier oils are Fractionated Coconut oil, Sweet Almond oil, and Jojoba oil. Again, try to get the best quality you can by looking for organic. This will help to ensure that there are the least amount of skin irritants in the products. Each of these oils absorb into the skin fairly easily and do not clog the pores. Fractionated coconut oil doesn’t really have a scent while sweet almond and jojoba are a bit nutty. The composition of jojoba oil is the closest to the naturally occurring oil of the skin. Some of the oil brands include carrier oils in their products. You can also purchase them online or in grocery stores. Again, do your research and figure out which brand is best for you.

As you may have noticed, many of the EOs listed above serve different purposes. If you are just starting out, I would recommend doing a bit of research first on the oil brand you want to use, then decide what you would like to use the oils for. To remain cost effective, choose oils that are multifaceted like lavender, lemon, and tea tree. They can be used in many ways both separately and combined and are also fairly priced.
Throughout the article, I have been encouraging you to research which products are best for you. I have done mine and chose DōTerra essential oils and Aura Cacia carrier oils. In my opinion, these products are the best to use for me and my home. You may choose otherwise. Always do your own research when it comes to products that you use. There are a lot of gimmicks that can make certain brands appear healthier than they are. It is important to always look at the ingredients and if possible, production processes.
If you would like more information about DōTerra oils, please visit www.mydoterra.com/spirituallybalanced for advice, tips, and recipes.
I am not affiliated with or paid by Aura Cacia. I am affiliated with DōTerra, but am not paid to endorse their products.
::Disclaimer:: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.